This problem statement was given to us in a design hackathon conducted in VIT Vellore. The time given was 5 days and the team consisted of myself and Nishant Pant

The Problem Statement

Understanding the problem
Design a product experience that would help pharmacists keep track of their inventory. Design the experience from the perspective of the pharmacist who wants to keep an easy check of the medicine inventory and also wants to speed up the process of managing it. Identify the pain points in the inventory management project and solve these pain points.

Goals 🎯


Understanding the user goals

Secondary research 📚

I started off by googling about what exactly goes around with the inventory management of a medical store by reading blogs, articles and research paper to validate our initial assumptions.
If you count all your assets you always show a profit — Wilson Mizner
Source — Ayad K. Ali. Inventory Management in Pharmacy Practice: A Review of Literature. Archives of Pharmacy Practice. 2011; 2(4) pp 151–156

Primary research 🔍

We could interview only 3 pharmacists over a call because of the pandemic situation, over the interview we asked them for their daily tasks inventory management.
The interview helped us understand the user needs and pain points even better.
This helped us create the User Persona and also list down the points for the Minimum Viable Product.


Defining the problem & user goals

User Persona 👤

user persona

The Final Connections 🔗

Pharmacists spend a lot of time in just managing their inventory, they should rather focus more on customers
How might we make tracking of inventory more automated with less work for pharmacists.
Pharmacists sometimes make estimation errors and do not order the medicine in time, which may result in decreased sales.
How might we remind pharmacists to stock up before the medicine goes out of stock.
Pharmacists get easily overburdened and are disinterested in doing supplier resource management.
How might we ease the access to delivery partners and vendors.
Pharmacists are not able to easily compile all the inventory data to get some sales figure, which leads to un-awareness of some key KPIs, breakers, etc.
How might we help pharmacists to easily understand their sales and performance.


Brainstorming and figuring out features, flow, etc.

MVP features 🦄

With all the insights we gathered from the research we established a process for implementing it into a hi-fi prototype. The first thing we did was use these insights and create an Information Architecture and User Flow for the entire website.
This gave us clarity on how to group certain features of the product and also establish a smooth experience for the pharmacists.
Information architecture
Information architecture
User flow
User flow


Designing the solution, this was the coolest part.

Wireframes 🎞

Once the user flow and IA was done, with the help of that we moved to Wireframing. We used Figma to make low fidelity wireframes. This was a time consuming process as it required constant changes according to the feedback we kept getting from our mentors.

Visual Design 😍

Now that we were satisfied with our wireframes we moved on to making the UIs in Figma. We first came up with a design system, where we made a color palette that fits the product and decided to work with DM sans as the font.
color palette
Color Scheme

Authentication pages

The sign up and login pages were kept very simple and only the necessary information from the pharmacists was collected. We gave an option to either login through email or through google account.
Login/ SIgn up pages
We also made a forgot password page so that recovering the account remains easy for the uses.
Forgot password page


Gives a quick insight of number of out of stock products, low stock products, on route deliveries. Also gives a graphical representation about the stock.
Easy navbar for Quick access of other pages and quick add product/bill/vendor option.


The pharmacist gets an option to add medicines to his inventory either by adding it manually like the conventional approach or scan the medicine’s barcode from the box.
Product page - Empty state - add product form
To add the products by scanning, pharmacists can scan the barcode of the medicine box with the help of the partner app that allows them to scan, then the user has to enter the low stock warning number and then it shows a success prompt once the product is added to the inventory.
The landing page here has all the products that are available in the inventory listed here, specific medicine can be easily searched using the search box or the sorting according to need.
Product page


The landing page here gives a quick insight on the sales and profits. It also shows the recent products sold.
Billing page
Create bill page - Show bill page

The bill is important to log every transaction, but here it also helps us manage the inventory.

Whenever a bill is added the number of products sold will be reduced from the database, hence managing the inventory without having to manually reduce the numbers.


The pharmacists have a hard time contacting and remembering the vendors, they mostly use their phones for this but it would help them keep if all their vendors’ contact info is available at one place!
New vendors can be manually added.
Add vendor page - Vendor page


Pharmacists usually track their deliveries through their delivery partners website, but after establishing the integration they can track their orders from the website itself.
The pharmacists will have to give the necessary info that can help us get the delivery data from the respective delivery website and display it onto our website.
Delivery dash - Create integration page
Individual product delivery detail page - delivery tracking page


The pharmacists get a reminder as a notification whenever a certain medicine is low in stock or out of stock or is arriving soon, so that the pharmacists can act accordingly and manage the inventory efficiently.
Notifications page


The user can edit their personal info and choose to use their own display picture here by removing the default photo.
The user can also log out from the platform from here.
Profile page


The platform for a newcomer can be problematic, so we made a FAQ page where the platform’s functionalities can be explained.
FAQs Page

Prototype 🌈

All the UI screens are prototyped using interactive components and dissolve properties in figma.

Up next

MiGo-  POS software design case study